Friday, May 15, 2009

By: Andrean Rule Bomediano

Welcome to our Applied History of Psychology Wikibook. This project was the efforts of a graduate course in History and Systems in Psychology, HDP 3204 intersession class 2007 at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT). This book represents a history of psychology--not the only one and certainly not a complete one, but definitely an interesting one and one that represents the varied interests of the students in this particular class. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

The initial structure of this book emerged out of our individual interests, prior knowledges, and research contributions to this course. We first briefly acknolwedge early thinkers that influenced the development of the discipline of psychology (Part I). Then, we address the history of various area of inquiries that are highly relevant to our work. These broad areas include developmental theories (Part II), the field of intelligence and assessment (Part III), as well as the various approaches to understanding and treating psychological difficulties (IV). Finally, we also created a special topic section to provide space for particular topics that can "stand on their own." (Part V).

We welcome your comments, additions, and contributions. We invite you to consult our Introduction for more information.

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